Vote Stage UKCG Terms & Conditions Information
UK Calendar Girls Vote Live Fri 7th June at 7:30pm:
Vote Finish Fri 5th July: 23:59
How to Vote:
To cast a vote please go to the website The site will have all the Semi-finalists images uploaded to the home page. To vote for a semi-finalist simply click on a “Vote Now” button below the semi-finalist image that you would like to vote for, you will then be taken to an individual page where you can cast your vote.
How much does it cost?
Each vote will be charged at £2.00.
Who can vote?
Anyone! You can vote for any of the girls in the competition and you can vote as many times as you want between the dates above.
Can you vote from abroad?
Yes! In previous years this was not achievable but this year for the first time anyone from anywhere in the world can vote.
How will I know if my vote has been counted?
Because you will receive an email message from our payment portal “Square” confirming your vote purchase. So, if the email message doesn’t come through you were not charged and the vote didn't count!
Can I get a vote refunded?
Unfortunately not, due to the fair-trading rules, once a vote has been cast, it has been counted. This rule will stop individuals casting lots of votes and then asking for refunds after the competition has ended.
Can the Semi-finalists promote themselves?
Yes! In the past girls have taken the image template from the website and posted it all over social media, and/or shared direct with family and friends. This year Semi-finalists will also be able to have an individual QR code created by UKCG to have printed out to give to people to scan for additional votes. Semi-finalists will also be able to put this QR code on the back of t-shirts. Girls in the past have even washed cars and organised their own events for our chosen charities to get votes, it all helps! PLEASE NOTE: It is prohibited to use the UKCG logo without written permission from UK Calendar Girls. If found to be using the logo without explicit permission this could form a breach of copyright against UKCG and you may be fined. Because of this rule we offer Vote Flyers and Cards with semi-finalists images on. Theses will all be professionally designed and put together using the high-resolution Vote images, QR codes and information. If you would like printed merchandise bespoke made please email with your request for either Vote Cards, T-Shirts or Flyers along with the semi-finalists name.
How can I get hold of a vote image?
The final vote images will go live on the UK Calendar Girls website and public Facebook page when the vote launches on Friday 7th June 7:30pm. From there you can save the image to your phone/computer and use to send to friends/family or repost on Facebook/social media as you wish.
Will proceeds be donated to charity?
Yes 15% of the £2.00 will be donated between our chosen organisations and charities, Mental Health Awareness and The Chestnut Appeal charity Number 1087175. The rest of the vote stage will go to the operation of the final stage the Grand Final on August 14th.
We also support the Charities in a number of ways while the vote stage is in operation, firstly we help to run and commission events ourselves to raise money. Everything raised in the Charity pots will go direct to the charities and not for profit organisations. Also, in previous years on the night of the Grand Final we have raised thousands for our chosen charities including a percentage of the ticket donation. It is not just monies raised that help the Charities, from the start of the Vote through to the end of the year we are constantly raising awareness for the Charities which is hugely important for its continued support, and the awareness alone helps further donations from the public.
How else can I support semi-finalist?
If you are unsure how best to promote/support a Semi-finalist on Social Media a phrase similar to one of the below examples in your posts will help:
“Please vote for …………………A percentage of monies raised from the online vote stage will be donated to the Chestnut Appeal for prostate cancer and also Mental Health Awareness.”
“Please vote for …………………15% of every vote will be donated to the Chestnut Appeal for prostate cancer and also Mental Health Awareness.”
“Please vote for ………………… in the UK Calendar Girls competition, your vote will be supporting the Chestnut Appeal for prostate cancer and Mental Health Awareness.”
Example of what NOT to put:
"Please vote for ………………., all of the money goes to charity!"
How will I know how a semi-finalist is doing?
You won't until UKCG announce the top 80 after the vote stage ends on the 5th July, this is when UKCG will receive the full accurate data from the online merchant. We will announce the 80 Finalists on Saturday 7th July via both email and the UKCG Semi-finalists group between 12pm-3pm and then after on the UKCG website.
What will happen if a Semi-finalists gets through to the next stage?
They will go through to the last stage which is the Grand Final. All details on the final stage of the competition will be given to the top 80 after the announcement of the Top 80 is made on the UKCG website on Sat 8th July. This will come to the Final 80 in the form of a private email and then it will be announced on the UKCG website.
The follow up to the Final stage is our Announcements evening on Saturday 24th Aug 2024 at 7:30pm at Pryzm Bristol, UK. This is where all the Finalists along any friends, family, public will find out who the Winners and Reserves are for the UK Calendar Girls 2025 Calendar.
Thank you.
UK Calendar Girls Team